October 16, 2022 @ 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Join us in the tasting room for the great country tunes of Jacob Vaughan paired with tasty eats from Second Helpings Food Truck.
Jacob is back by popular request and will be playing live music from 2:00 to 5:00. check out a pre-view of his music here: https://www.facebook.com/JacobVaughanMusic/
Second helpings will be serving up fried fish and chicken baskets, beans, slaw and Granny’s desserts! They will be fired up from 1:00 to 5:00. Check out their full menu here: http://www.secondhelpingsnc.com/menu/
Of course you will need some great beverages to wash it all down. Our local beer this quarter is Red Oak (both the Amber and Hummingbird) and we also have the usual suspects (Miller Lite, Bud Lite and Michelob Ultra). Our wine list can be previewed here https://magictable.app/gioia/our-wines/, and if you haven’t been out in a “spell”, we have a couple of new offerings including our all estate grown dry Rose.
We look forward to sharing some laughter with you and hope you will join us as we work to Scatter Joy in all we do!
Saluti, Laura & David