January 15, 2023 @ 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Join us in the tasting room for a warming afternoon of spiced mulled wine, live bluegrass music by Ray Hudson, and gourmet sliders by Twin City Minis.
Many of you have been asking us to bring Ray back out with his bluegrass, country and soul jams. Live music will start at 2:00 and play until 5:00. You can check out his page here: https://www.facebook.com/ray.hudson.9066/about
Twin City Minis will be here from noon until 6:00, or when the food runs out :). We are excited to welcome them as a new partner. Come try out their mouth watering gourmet sliders. You can vies their website here: https://www.facebook.com/search/top?q=twin%20city%20mini%E2%80%99s%20food%20truck
We will be serving up some mulled spiced wine as well. And of course our full wine and beer menu will be available: https://magictable.app/gioia/our-wines/ We have added some fun new local IPAs to our beer list including Pernicious and Jade, along with crowd favorites Red Oak Amber and Hummingbird.
Want to stay for the weekend and not deal with the drive, book a cabin walking distance from the tasting room here: https://magictable.app/gioia/stay/
We look forward to sharing time with you, Laura & David